Coming into the full-fledged autumn season I remember how much I love the change of seasons we enjoy here in Ontario. Yes, there arre several days during the depths of winter that I wish for tropical weather but without the cold how would we really appreciatte the heat of August, or the newness of spring. Look at me, waxing poetic.
This summer has been the easiest so far living here in the big smoke, we got through the steamy days with swimming at the local pool and enjoying the creek as much as possible. I still get a kick out of the shocked look on the peoples faces as there realize we're swimming-in-the-creek!?
With the coming of autumn is the expected homesickness. With no where to store food here and no harvest to collect and put up I wrestle against the desperation of wanting to go home so badly I can taste the frustration. I know we are meant to "bloom where we are planted" but I just don't want to. I won't pretend that here is where I will be happy, this is no place to raise kids, no place to live long term. I accept that some people like living here and prefer it above all other places but we are not them, I do appreciate my husbands job and how he is happyish here but knowing how perfect North is for the rest of us makes settling in here tough.
I, usually, try not to watch too many documentaries or youtube videos about homesteading or prepping but when the homesickness is thickest watching these things and letting the grief come brings the purge I need. I'm sad a while, a little grouchy. Then it passes and we go on. One day I will get home, one day soon I hope but until we've riden this out we just have to hang on, learn what we must and look to the dawn.