This past summer we discovered a really great, rather under used beach. Nope, I'm not telling you where it is, I don't want it to get popular. It has a small river flowing out and lots of sand area, and few naked people. We don't do half naked at the beach. Shorts and T-shirts for us. We don't need to see your business and you don't need to see ours.
Know Your Snakes
One beach visit the Cadet decided he'd go exploring on the beach other side of the river mouth. Turning up some floatsome at the waters edge he came across a rather large, black water snake. Awesome! While trying to bring it back across the river to show me, the uncooperative snake decides to get bitey. Ow, but not a big deal. He's been bit more than once.
Funny part. Buddy fishing just up river of the Cadet sees him getting bit by said ornery snake. Buddy becomes rather animated, "Hey, did it bite you? You better get that looked at! Where's you parents?! I could be poisonous!"
Cadet, "It's just a common water snake, they tend to be grumpy" cool as a cucumber. That's my boy.
Naval Engagement
On of our favourite activities at this beach is to get boats (washed up logs) and sail them around and occasionally, okay frequently, ram into each other. We usually have teams of two or three but once in a while the Cadet will have a decidedly testosterone filled moment and try to take on all of us on his own. Foolish man/boy. Two little brothers, a stubborn sister, and one tough Mama all gang up on the Cadet and he is forced to admit defeat, that is unless he can convince a little brother or two to turn coat and gang up on the girls. That doesn't happnen too often. We control the kitchen :D
"An army marches on its stomach?" these boys sure seem to.
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