Monday, April 28, 2014


I've had to say, "Enough, no more." twice in my life.

The first to an unhealthy church membership. We had to say goodbye to a cult church that hubby was raised in and we attended together for many years. Our kids were raised there (for the most part) and close family is still firmly entrenched in that system.  Our entire community and support structure were tangled up with this church/cult thing. Leaving was really, really tough. really tough. For months we missed it and were tempted (just a little) to go back but slowly the Father has shown us a better way. I have learned how judgmental I was, how cruel, critical, and arrogant my heart is. Through truth I have learned grace, hope, patience, kindness, love. I'm learning joy, how to lean on God and not man. How to work out my own salvation. What really matters to God and what is just religion. 

My last, sad, "enough" came just before Christmas when I had to separate from some family members. I miss them often and so wish that things could be different. My family (particularly my children) were hurt and deeply wounded each time there was a "flair up" with these members. I have to protect my kids, that's my job. It seems strange talking about grace and love in the last paragraph and now speaking of what is essentially cutting people out of my life. Here's where grace still lives; I LOVE these people, I miss them very often and mourn for what could have been, what should have been, but allowing them into my life and trying to insinuate myself into theirs only brought pain, anger, and resentment into both lives and families. No resolution was even worked for so "enough" and "good bye" were said. I pray very often for them and wish everyday that I could pick up the phone or send a quick email but I can't, doing so would only tear off the scab. So I'll keep praying and hoping. 

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